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First Aid MedBox will save your life!


Family Kit

Protect your family from common illness with the First Aid Medbox. Be proactive to care for your family at the convenience of your home. To review the list of medication included in this kit click on Buy Now


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Personalize Kit

Select the medication of your choice to fit your life style. Personalize your kit for you and/or your family. To review the list to select your medication click on Buy Now



College Kit

Every college student needs a kit in their residence to protect and  keep them safe from common illnesses. All the medications needed  to survive college at your convenience. To review the list of medication included in this kit click on Buy Now


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Business Kit

Essential selfcare medbox for employees to improve productivity and satisfaction. Provide the needed first aid medications for your team. To review the list of medication included in this kit click on Buy Now



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Travel Kit

A must have travel kit recommended by the CDC for all travelers. Don't leave the country without this kit. To review the list of medication included in this kit click on Buy Now


About First Aid MedBox

Our Company's goal is to prevent tragic incidents/emergencies from happening by providing the emergency medications and education at your fingertips. Each MedBox is packaged emergency medications design to treat a wide range of unexpected common health problems at the point of care based on evidence based practice from clinical practitioners (Medical Doctors, Nurse Practitioners, Pharmacist, and nurses) expert recommendations. The Kits are design for use without medical supervision and approved by FDA as safe and effective. First Aid MedBox aims to improve your quality of life through convenience, education and responsible self-medication - for all. We are building a family of self care lifelong learners to prevent the unintended consequences for a healthy life. Everyone benefit from being active participants in their own healthcare rather than just being passive recipients of care. We believe your health is the most important asset you have that no amount of money can replace. Thus, prepare to take better care of you and your love ones with First Aid MedBox.


First Aid MedBox

Our Mission:

To improve health and elevate Proactive Selfcare - for all.


Our Vision:

To empower you to take charge of your self care.


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