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Cetirizine 10 mg tablet

Compared to Zyrtec 10 mg tablet

How the medication works:  

Cetirizine works by stopping the histamine from binding to the histamine receptors, thus stopping the activiies of histamine, a substance in the body that causes allergic symptoms.


Indication (Age > 6 years): 

  • Allergic rhinits (< 65 years)  à Take 1 tablet by mouth once a day.

  • Atopic Dermatitis (itchy, red skin) à Take 1 tablet by mouth once a day.


Adverse effects: 

  • Dry mouth 

  • Headache

  • Drowsiness

  • Dizziness

  • Tiredness


Exclusion for self care:


Do not use if..

Allergic reaction to cetirizine or or other antihistamine


Stop use and ask your doctor:

  • If the rashes and hives do not improve within first 3 days

  • If continuous hives > 6 weeks


Drug Interaction :

  • Ritonavir (HIV medication) increased cetirizine level in the body


Special Instructions: 

Avoid alcohol and other sedatives while using this product to avoid increased drowsiness.

Avoid driving or operating any machines due to possible drowsiness



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